What’s new in Pip

Release notes for each minor version of Pip after 1.0.

Pip 1.2 (released 2024-03-20)

Regex changes

  • Regex flags are no longer concatenated to the pattern text itself, thanks to a change in Python 3.11 that made this approach stop working. Instead, they are attached to the pattern object and indicated in its repr by unary operators (A-,.) before the pattern.
  • Regex flag operators now toggle their respective flags rather than simply adding them.
  • The default order of the arguments to ~ and ~= is now string first, regex second. Both operators have reversible operands, but the order can make a difference because…
  • When both the string and regex arguments of ~, ~=, or MR are scalars, the regex argument is converted from a scalar to a pattern. This behavior matches the existing behavior of LR.

New meta-operator

The scan meta-operator \$ has been added. It works the same as fold $, but returns all the intermediate results as a list.

New operators

  • New filtering operators: FJ (FilterJoin) joins the filter result into a string; FX (FilterIndexes) passes two arguments to the filter function, an index and a value, and creates a list of indices that gave truthy results.
  • New sorting operator: DK (DescendingKeyed) sorts an iterable in descending order by the return values of a key function (compare SK).
  • New string operators: TC title-cases a string (capitalizing the first letter of every run of letters); IC initial-caps a string (capitalizing the first character).
  • Rounding operators: |< rounds a number down (floor); >| rounds a number up (ceil); RN rounds a number to the nearest integer; and RZ rounds a number toward zero (down for positive numbers, up for negative numbers). The binary versions take a second argument specifying the precision level: for example, a>|5 rounds a number up to the next multiple of 5.
  • New logarithm operators: LB (BinaryLog) takes the log base 2; LD (DecimalLog) takes the log base 10.
  • BL (BitLength) returns the bit-length of a number: the number of bits in the binary representation of its absolute value.
  • HU (HalveUp) divides by 2 and rounds up (as compared to HV, which rounds down).
  • FU (FilterUnpack) now has a unary version.


  • Thanks to a series of tweaks to the parser, blocks now always have the correct repr instead of the old “raw parse tree wrapped in curly braces” repr. (This change was also backported to version 1.1.1.)
  • The pip() function in pip.py now raises a FatalError exception instead of calling sys.exit(1) and returns instead of calling sys.exit(0), making things nicer for any third-party code that might want to call it.

Pip 1.1 (released 2022-06-25)

REPL mode

Pip now has a REPL mode. Run the interpreter with the -R flag to enter it.

Enter statements at the prompt to execute them. Entering an expression displays its value. The variables $_, $__, and $___ store the values of the last three top-level expressions. Incomplete statements/expressions can be continued on subsequent lines:

>> "Hello".
.. "world"
>> Fi\,3
.. Pi
>> $_

Certain comments are treated as REPL commands:

  • ;warnings toggles display of warning messages (can also be invoked as ;warnings off or ;warnings on)
  • ;quit quits the REPL (;exit also works)
  • ;help displays a help message

See the REPL mode page for a full description of REPL features.

Global variables for the main program’s arguments

The variables \a through \e are set to the main program’s first five arguments at the beginning of execution. Similarly, \g is set to a list of all the main program’s arguments, and \f is set to the main function. These variables can be useful when the main arguments or function need to be referenced inside a curly-brace function, where the local variables a through g have been bound to different values.

Updated precedence levels for some operators

Some operators have changed precedence to fit better in situations where they are commonly used.

  • Unary FI and V now have lower precedence than binary map and filter operators. Rationale: FI({...}Ma) is a common pattern (map a function and then filter out the falsey results).
  • Unary trig operators (SI, CO, TA, SE, CS, CT, AT, RD, and DG) now have the same precedence as BN: lower than arithmetic operators. Rationale: SI(a*PI/4) seems like an important use case; if the result of the trig operation needs to be part of an expression, it can often be reworked to put the trig operator on the rhs of the arithmetic operator.
  • Binary exponentiation operators (E/**, EE, and RT) now have higher precedence than their unary counterparts. Rationale: EaEb should be equivalent to 2EaEb, which is 2E(aEb) rather than (2Ea)Eb.

New operators

  • List-flattening operators: FL (Flatten) flattens a list by one level (equivalent to $AL); FA (FlattenAll) flattens all levels, resulting in a completely flat list.
  • New mapping operator: MF (MapFlatten) flattens the mapping result by one level.
  • New filtering operators: FN (FilterNot) keeps elements for which the function returns a falsey value; FE (FilterEnumerate) passes two arguments to the filter function, an index and a value; FU (FilterUnpack) expects each element to be an iterable and passes it to the function as multiple arguments.
  • New sorting operators: DN (DescendingNumeric) sorts an iterable in descending order using numeric comparison; DS (descending-string) does the same thing using string comparison.
  • CH (Chop) is the converse of <> (Group): where a<>b partitions a into chunks of size b, aCHb partitions a into b chunks of approximately equal size.
  • ZJ (ZipJoin) zips two iterables (or transposes a list of iterables) and then converts the result into a list of strings. Missing values are filled with spaces. Should be useful for ASCII-art challenges.
  • SH (Shuffle) randomly permutes an iterable. Unlike Python’s random.shuffle, it returns a new iterable rather than modifying its argument in place.
  • Unary M is now an alias for MX (Max).
  • Unary N is now an alias for MN (Min).


  • Unary ZD uses empty string for the default value instead of nil.

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